Problems Specific To Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People

Gay, lesbian and bisexual people represent a minority group in the United States. As a minority group, GLB people have specific problems that have been studied by sociologists and public health organizations. The studies below represent the best research in the past 10 years on some of the social and health issues related to being GLB. Currently this is merely a bibliography, not an analysis of the literature. These bibliographies were pulled from the following databases as of January 1999: PsychINFO, Eric, Sociofile, Criminal Justice Abstracts and Social Work Abstracts. Bibliographies on other issues will follow in the coming year.
Articles Relating to Drug Abuse or Suicide by GLB Persons

Articles Relating to Violence Perpetrated By or Against GLB Persons

Articles Relating to Drug Abuse or Suicide by GLB Persons

Bagley,-Christopher; Tremblay,-Pierre. Suicidal behaviors in homosexual and bisexual males.Crisis, 18 (1): 24-34,1997

Bainbridge-William-Sims. The religious ecology of deviance. American-Sociological-Review, 54, (2), pp. 288-295,1989

Bickelhaupt,-Ethan-E.Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in Gay and Lesbian Persons: A Review of Incidence Studies .Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 2, 1, 5-14,1995

Bloomfield,-Kim .A Comparison of Alcohol Consumption between Lesbians and Heterosexual Women in an Urban Population .Drug-and-Alcohol-Dependence; 33, 3, Oct, 257-269,1993

Bradford,-Judith; Ryan,-Caitlin; Rothblum. National Lesbian Health Care Survey: Implications for mental health care. Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology 62(2): 228-42,1994

Buhrich,-Neil; Loke,-Carlson. Homosexuality, suicide, and parasuicide in Australia. Journal-of-Homosexuality 15 (1-2): 113-29,1988

Bux, Donald. "The epidemiology of problem drinking in gay men and lesbians: A critical review." Clinical Psychology Review 14 (1996): 277-298.

Cameron,-Paul; et al. The Longevity of Homosexuals: Before and after the AIDS Epidemic. Omega:-Journal-of-Death-and-Dying; v29 n3 p249-72 ,1994

Coleman,-Eli; Remafedi,-Gary. Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Adolescents: A Critical Challenge to Counselors. Journal-of-Counseling-and-Development; v68 n1 p36-40 Sep-Oct ,1989

D'Augelli,-Anthony-R. Preventing mental health problems among lesbian and gay college students. Journal-of-Primary-Prevention 13 (4): 245-61,1993

D'Augelli,-Anthony-R. Hershberger,-Scott-L. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth in community settings: Personal challenges and mental health problems. American-Journal-of-Community-Psychology 21 (4): 421-48,1993

DeBord,-Kurt-A. Wood,-Phillip-K.The relevance of sexual orientation to substance abuse and psychological distress among college students.Journal-of-College-Student-Development. Mar-Apr; Vol 39(2): 157-168,1998

Dempsey,-Cleta-L. Health and social issues of gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents. Families-in-Society 75 (3): 160-67,1994

DuRant, Robert; Krowchuk, Daniel; Sinal, Sara. Victimization, use of violence, and drug use at school among male adolescents who engage in same-sex sexual behavior. Journal of Pediatrics 133(1): 113-118, 1998.

Faulkner,-Anne-H. Cranston,-Kevin. Correlates of same-sex sexual behavior in a random sample of Massachusetts high school students. American-Journal-of-Public-Health 88 (2): 262-66,1998

Ferrando,-Stephen; Goggin,-Kathy; .Substance use disorders in gay/bisexual men with HIV and AIDS.American-Journal-on-Addictions. Win; Vol 7(1): 51-60,1998

Finnegan-D.G; McNally-E.B . Chemically dependent lesbians and bisexual women: recovery from many traumas. Journal-of-Chemical-Dependency-Treatment.6(1/2): 87-107, ,1997

Finnegan,-Dana-G. McNally,-Emily-B.Chemical Dependency and Depression in Lesbians and Gay Men: What Helps?.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 4, 2, 115-129,1996

Fontaine,-Janet-H. Evidencing a need: School counselors' experiences with gay and lesbian students. Professional-School-Counseling 1 (3): 8-14,1998

Friedman,-Richard-C. Downey,-Jennifer-I. Homosexuality. New-England-Journal-of-Medicine 331 (14): 923-30,1994

Garofalo, Robert. Wolf, Cameron. The Association Between Health Risk Behaviors and Sexual Orientation Among a School-based Sample of Adolescents. Pediatrics; v101 n5 p895-902,1998.

Ghindia,-Dennis-J. Kola,-Lenore-A.Co-factors affecting substance abuse among homosexual men: An investigation within a midwestern gay community.Drug-and-Alcohol-Dependence. Jul; Vol 41(3): 167-177,1996

Golombok,-Susan; Tasker,-Fiona.Children in Lesbian and Gay Families: Theories and Evidence.Annual-Review-of-Sex-Research; 5, 73-100,1994

Grossman,-Arnold-H. Growing Up with a "Spoiled Identity": Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth at Risk.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 6, 3, 45-56,1997

Hammelman,-Tracie-L. Gay and lesbian youth: Contributing factors to serious attempts or considerations of suicide. Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Psychotherapy 2 (1): 77-89,1993

Hershberger,-Scott-L. D'Augelli,-Anthony-R. The impact of victimization on the mental health and suicidality of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths. Developmental-Psychology 37 (1): 65-74,1995

Hershberger,-Scott-L. Pilkington,-Neil-W. Predictors of suicide attempts among gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth. Journal-of-Adolescent-Research 12 (4): 477-97,1997

Hirsch,-Jameson-K. Ellis,-Jon-B. Reasons for living in homosexual and heterosexual young adults. Archives-of-Suicide-Research 4 (3): 243-48,1998

Hughes,-Tonda-L. Wilsnack,-Sharon-C.Use of Alcohol among Lesbians: Research and Clinical Implications .American-Journal-of-Orthopsychiatry; 67, 1, Jan, 20-36,1997

Hunter,-Joyce. Violence against lesbian and gay male youths. Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence 5 (3): 295-300,1990

Hunter,-Joyce; Schaecher,-Robert. Stresses on lesbian and gay adolescents in schools. Social-Work-in-Education 9 (3): 180-90,1987

Icard,-Larry; Traunstein,-Donald-M. Black, Gay, Alcoholic Men: Their Character and Treatment .Social-Casework; 68, 5, May, 267-272,1987

Jordan,-Karen-M. Vaughan,-Jill-S. Woodworth,-Katharine-J.I Will Survive: Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youths' Experience of High School.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 7, 4, 17-33,1997

Kelly,-Brian; Raphael,-B. Suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and HIV infection. Psychosomatics 39 (5): 405-15,1998

Kourany,-Ronald-F. Suicide among homosexual adolescents. Journal-of-Homosexuality 13 (4): 111-17,1987

Kruks,-Gabe. Gay and lesbian homeless/street youth: Special issues and concerns. Journal-of-Adolescent-Health 12 (7): 515-18,1991

Lehmann,-Joan-B. Lehmann,-Christoph-U. Development and health care needs of lesbians. Journal-of-Women's-Health 7 (3): 379-88,1998

Malinsky,-Kathleen-P.Learning to Be Invisible: Female Sexual Minority Students in America's Public High Schools.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 7, 4, 35-50,1997

Martin,-John-L. Hasin,-Deborah-S.Drinking, Alcoholism, and Sexual Behavior in a Cohort of Gay Men . Drugs-and-Society; 5, 1-2, 49-67,1990

McBee,-Sandra-M. Rogers,-James-R. Identifying risk factors for gay and lesbian suicidal behavior: Implications for mental health counselors. Journal-of-Mental-Health-Counseling 19 (2): 143-55,1997

McFarland,-William-P. A Developmental Approach to Gay and Lesbian Youth. Journal-of-Humanistic-Education-and-Development; v32 n1 p17-29 Sep ,1993

McFarland,-William-P. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual student suicide. Professional-School-Counseling 1 (3): 26-29,1998

McKee,-Michael-B. And-Others. Challenging Heterosexism in College Health Service Delivery. Journal-of-American-College-Health; v42 n5 p211-16 Mar ,1994

Morrow,-Deana-F. "Social work with gay and lesbian adolescents": Erratum. Social-Work 39 (2): 166,1994

Mosbacher-D . Alcohol and other drug use in female medical students: a comparison of lesbians and heterosexuals. Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Psychotherapy.2(1): 37-48, ,1993

Muehrer,-Peter. Suicide and sexual orientation: A critical summary of recent research and directions for future research. Suicide-and-Life-Threatening-Behavior 25 (supp): 72-81,1995

Neisen,-Joseph-H. Sandall,-Hilary .Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse in a Gay/Lesbian Population: Related to Victimization?.Journal-of-Psychology-and-Human-Sexuality; 3, 1, 151-168,1990

Paul,-Jay-P. Barrett,-Donald-C.Longitudinal changes in alcohol and drug use among men seen at a gay-specific substance abuse treatment agency.Journal-of-Studies-on-Alcohol. Sep; Vol 57(5): 475-485,1996

Proctor,-Curtis-D. Groze,-Victor-K. Risk factors for suicide among gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths. Social-Work 39 (5): 504-13,1994

Remafedi,-Gary; French,-Simone . The relationship between suicide risk and sexual orientation: Results of a population-based study. American-Journal-of-Public-Health 88 (1): 57-60,1998

Remafedi, Gary; Farrow, JA; Deisher, RW. Risk factors for attempted suicide in gay and bisexual youth. Pediatrics 43:869-75, 1991.

Reyes, -Migdalia.Latina lesbians and alcohol and other drugs: Social work implications.Alcoholism-Treatment-Quarterly. Vol 16(1-2): 179-192,1998

Rich,-Charles-L. Fowler,-Richard-C. San Diego suicide study: Comparison of gay to straight males. Suicide-and-Life-Threatening-Behavior 16 (4): 448-57,1986

Roman,-Paul-M.Gay Men, Drinking and Alcoholism .Contemporary-Sociology; 25, 3, May, 422-423,1996

Rosario,-Margaret; Hunter,-Joyce; .Exploration of substance use among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth: Prevalence and correlates.Journal-of-Adolescent-Research. Oct; Vol 12(4): 454-476,1997

Rothblum,-Esther-D. Depression among lesbians: An invisible and unresearched phenomenon. Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Psychotherapy 11 (3): 67-87,1990

Rotheram-Borus,-Mary-Jane; Rosario.Sexual and Substance Use Acts of Gay and Bisexual Male Adolescents in New York City .Journal-of-Sex-Research; 31, 1, Feb, 47-57,1994

Rotheram-Borus,-Mary-J. And-Others. Suicidal Behavior and Gay-Related Stress among Gay and Bisexual Male Adolescents. Journal-of-Adolescent-Research; v9 n4 p498-508 Oct ,1994

Rotheram-Borus,-Mary-Jane; Fernandez,-M.-Isabel. Sexual Orientation and Developmental Challenges Experienced by Gay and Lesbian Youth. Suicide-and-Life-Threatening-Behavior; v25 suppl p26-34 ,1995

Saulnier,-Christine-Flynn; Miller,-Brenda-A. Drug and alcohol problems: Heterosexual compared to lesbian and bisexual women. Canadian-Journal-of-Human-Sexuality. Fal; Vol 6(3): 221-231,1997

Saunders,-Judith-M. Valente,-S.-M. Suicide risk among gay men and lesbians: A review. Death-Studies 11 (1): 1-23,1987

Savin-Williams,-Ritch-C. Verbal and physical abuse as stressors in the lives of lesbian, gay male, and bisexual youths: Associations with school problems, running away, substance abuse, prostitution, and suicide. Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology 62 (2): 261-69,1994

Schneider,-David-M. Segal,-Daniel-A.The Power of Culture: Notes on Some Aspects of Gay and Lesbian Kinship in America Today.Cultural-Anthropology; 12, 2, May, 270-274,1997

Schneider,-Stephen-G. And-Others. AIDS-Related Factors Predictive of Suicidal Ideation of Low and High Intent among Gay and Bisexual Men. Suicide-and-Life-Threatening-Behavior; v21 n4 p313-28 Win ,1991

Schneider,-Stephen-G. Farberow,-Norman-L. Suicidal behavior in adolescent and young adult gay men. Suicide-and-Life-Threatening-Behavior 19 (4): 381-94,1989

Schneider,-Stephen-G. Taylor,-Shelley-E. Factors influencing suicide intent in gay and bisexual suicide ideators: Differing models for men with and without human immunodeficiency virus. Journal-of-Personality-and-Social-Psychology 61 (5): 776-88,1991

Shaffer,-David; Fisher,-Prudence; Hicks. Sexual Orientation in Adolescents Who Commit Suicide.Suicide-and-Life-Threatening-Behavior; 25, supplement, 64-71,1995

Shaffer,-David; Fisher,-Prudence; . "Sexual orientation in adolescents who commit suicide": Erratum. Suicide-and-Life-Threatening-Behavior 26 (2): 218,1996

Skinner,-William-F. Otis,-Melanie-D.Drug and alcohol use among lesbian and gay people in a southern U.S. sample: Epidemiological, comparative and.Journal-of-Homosexuality. Vol 30(3): 59-92,1996

Smith,-Richard-B. Brown,-Robert-A.The Impact of Social Support on Gay Male Couples.Journal-of-Homosexuality; 33, 2, 39-61,1997

Stall,-Ron; Wiley,-James . A Comparison of Alcohol and Drug Use Patterns of Homosexual & Heterosexual Men: The San Francisco Men's.Drug-and-Alcohol-Dependence; 22, 1-2, 63-73,1988

Stein,-Terry-S.Deconstructing Sexual Orientation: Understanding the Phenomena of Sexual Orientation.Journal-of-Homosexuality; 34, 1, 81-86,1997

Winters,-Ken-C. Remafedi,-Gary .Assessing drug abuse among gay-bisexual young men.Psychology-of-Addictive-Behaviors. Dec; Vol 10(4): 228-236,1996

Articles Relating to Violence Perpetrated By or Against GLB Persons

Belknap,-Joanne.Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men (see IRPS No. 76/94c01980).Criminal-Justice-Review; 20, 1, spring, 81-83,1995

Bell-Michael-D; Vila-Raul-I.Homicide in homosexual victims: a study of 67 cases from the Broward County, Florida, Medical Examiner's Office (1982-1992)..American-Journal-of-Forensic-Medicine-and-Pathology, 17, (1), pp. 65-69,1996

Berrill,-Kevin-T.Anti-Gay Violence and Victimization in the United States: An Overview.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence; 5, 3, Sept, 274-294,1990

Berrill,-Kevin-T. Herek,-Gregory-M.Primary and Secondary Victimization in Anti-Gay Hate Crimes: Official Response and Public Policy.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence; 5, 3, Sept, 401-413,1990

Bush,-Diane-Mitsch.Violent Betrayal: Partner Abuse in Lesbian Relationships.Contemporary-Sociology; 22, 3, May, 355-356,1993

Byrne,-Dan.Clinical Models for the Treatment of Gay Male Perpetrators of Domestic Violence.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 4, 1, 107-116,1996

Coleman,-Vallerie-E.Lesbian Battering: The Relationship between Personality and the Perpetration of Violence.Violence-and-Victims; 9, 2, summer, 139-152,1994

Comstock-Gary-David.Victims of anti-gay/lesbian violence.Journal-of-interpersonal-violence, 4, (1), pp. 101-106,1989

Cross,-Emma-Jane.Lesbians Talk Violent Relationships.Women's-Studies-International-Forum; 19, 3, May-June, 345-346,1996

Cruz,-J.-Michael; Firestone,-Juanita-M.Exploring violence and abuse in gay male relationships.Violence-and-Victims,1998

Dandeneau,-Claire.Violence in Gay and Lesbian Domestic Partnerships.Sex-Roles; 36, 5-6, Mar, 431-432,1997

D'Augelli,-Anthony-R.Lesbians' and Gay Men's Experiences of Discrimination and Harassment in a University Community.American-Journal-of-Community-Psychology; 17, 3, June, 317-321,1989

Ehrlich,-Howard-J.The Ecology of Anti-Gay Violence.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence; 5, 3, Sept, 359-365,1990

Farley,-Ned.A Survey of Factors Contributing to Gay and Lesbian Domestic Violence.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 4, 1, 35-42,1996

Garnets,-Linda; Herek,-Gregory-M.Violence and Victimization of Lesbians and Gay Men: Mental Health Consequences.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence; 5, 3, Sept, 366-383,1990

Glatowitsch,-Paul.Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men.Contemporary-Sociology; 21, 2, Mar, 235-236,1992

Green,-Donald-P. Glaser,-Jack.From lynching to gay bashing: The elusive connection between economic conditions and hate crime.Journal-of-Personality-and-Social-Psychology,1998

Haas,-Ann-Pollinger.Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men (see IRPS No. 76/94c01980).Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 1, 1, 119-121,1994

Hamberger,-L.-Kevin.Intervention in Gay Male Intimate Violence Requires Coordinated Efforts on Multiple Levels.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 4, 1, 83-91,1996

Hanson,-Bea.The Violence We Face as Lesbians and Gay Men: The Landscape Both Outside and Inside Our Communities.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 4, 2, 95-113,1996

Harry,-Joseph.Conceptualizing Anti-Gay Violence.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence; 5, 3, Sept, 350-358,1990

Herdt,-Gilbert.REVIEW ESSAY - Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men (see abstract of review in SA 43:6).Harvard-Educational-Review; 65, 2, summer, 315-321,1995

Herek,-Gregory-M.The Context of Anti-Gay Violence: Notes on Cultural and Psychological Heterosexism.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence; 5, 3, Sept, 316-333,1990

Herek,-Gregory-M. Berrill,-Kevin-T.Anti-Gay Violence and Mental Health: Setting an Agenda for Research.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence; 5, 3, Sept, 414-423,1990

Herek-Gregory-M; Gillis-J-Roy.Hate crime victimization among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults: prevalence, psychological correlates, and methodological issues.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence, 12, (2), pp,195-215,1997

Hickson,-Ford-C.-I. Davies,-Peter-M.Gay Men as Victims of Nonconsensual Sex.Archives-of-Sexual-Behavior; 23, 3, June, 281-294,1994

Istar,-Arlene.Couple Assessment: Identifying and Intervening in Domestic Violence in Lesbian Relationships.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 4, 1, 93-106,1996

Jenness-Valerie.Social movement growth, domain expansion, and framing processes: the gay/lesbian movement and violence against gays and lesbians..Social-Problems, 42, (1), pp. 145-170,1995

Klinger,-Rochelle-L.Gay Violence.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Psychotherapy; 2, 3, 119-134,1995

Koss,-Mary-P.Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence.Journal-of-Sex-Education-and-Therapy; 19, 2, summer, 148-150,1993

Landolt,-Monica-A. Dutton,-Donald-G.Power and Personality: An Analysis of Gay Male Intimate Abuse.Sex-Roles; 37, 5-6, Sept, 335-359,1997

Letellier,-Patrick.Twin Epidemics: Domestic Violence and HIV Infection among Gay and Bisexual Men.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 4, 1, 69-81,1996

Letellier,-Patrick.Gay and Bisexual Male Domestic Violence Victimization: Challenges to Feminist Theory and Responses to Violence.Violence-and-Victims; 9, 2, summer, 95-106,1994

Lie,-Gwat-Yong; Gentlewarrier,-Sabrina.Intimate Violence in Lesbian Relationships: Discussion of Survey Findings and Practice Implications.Journal-of-Social-Service-Research; 15, 1-2, 41-59,1991

Lockhart,-Lettie-L. White,-Barbara-W.Letting Out the Secret: Violence in Lesbian Relationships.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence; 9, 4, Dec, 469-492,1994

Margolies,-Liz; Leeder,-Elaine.Violence at the Door: Treatment of Lesbian Batterers.Violence-Against-Women; 1, 2, June, 139-157,1995

Marrujo,-Becky; Kreger,-Mary.Definition of Roles in Abusive Lesbian Relationships.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 4, 1, 23-33,1996

McDevitt,-Jack.Hate Crime: Confronting Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men.Contemporary-Sociology; 22, 3, May, 356-357,1993

Meyer,-Ilan-H.Minority Stress and Mental Health in Gay Men.Journal-of-Health-and-Social-Behavior; 36, 1, Mar, 38-56,1995

Miller,-Brian; Humphreys,-Laud.Lifestyles and Violence: Homosexual Victims of Assault and Murder.Qualitative-Sociology; 3, 3, fall, 169-185,1980

Otis,-Melanie-D. Skinner,-William-F.The Prevalence of Victimization and Its Effect on Mental Well-Being among Lesbian and Gay People.Journal-of-Homosexuality; 30, 3, 93-121,1996

Renzetti,-Claire-M.Studying Partner Abuse in Lesbian Relationships: A Case for the Feminist Participatory Research Model.Journal-of-Gay-and-Lesbian-Social-Services; 3, 1, 29-42,1995

Renzetti,-Claire-M.Violence in Lesbian Relationships: A Preliminary Analysis of Causal Factors.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence; 3, 4, Dec, 381-399,1988

Sarantakos,-Sotirios.Violence in Gay and Lesbian Domestic Relationships.Journal-of-Family-Studies; 3, 2, Oct, 258-259,1997

Schilit,-Rebecca; Lie,-Gwat-Yong.Intergenerational Transmission of Violence in Lesbian Relationships.Affilia; 6, 1, spring, 72-87,1991

Schilit,-Rebecca; Lie,-Gwat-Yong.Substance Use as a Correlate of Violence in Intimate Lesbian Relationships.Journal-of-Homosexuality; 19, 3, 51-65,1990

Shapiro-Marion.Male homosexuality and violence.The-Quarterly, 32, (4), pp. 35-41,1975

Slater,-Barbara-R.Violence against Lesbian and Gay Male College Students.Journal-of-College-Student-Psychotherapy; 8, 1-2, 177-202,1993

Stanko,-Betsy.Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence.British-Journal-of-Criminology; 33, 3, summer, 449-450,1993

Stermac,-Lana-E. Sheridan,-Peter-M.Anti-Gay/Lesbian Violence: Treatment Issues.Canadian-Journal-of-Human-Sexuality; 2, 1, spring, 33-38,1993

Tomsen-Stephen; George-Allen.The criminal justice response to gay killings: research findings.Current-Issues-in-Criminal-Justice, 9, (1), pp. 56-70,1997

Voit-Ecford-S Jr.Violence against lesbians and gay men: issues for research, practice, and policy.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence, 5, (3), pp. 267-423,1990

Waldner-Haugrud,-Lisa-K. Gratch,-Linda-Valden.Sexual coercion in gay/lesbian relationships: Descriptives and gender differences.Violence-and-Victims 12 (1), pp 87-98,1997

Waldner-Haugrud-Lisa-M; Gratch-Linda-Vaden.Victimization and perpetration rates of violence in gay and lesbian relationships: gender issues explored.Violence-and-Victims, 12, (2), pp. 173-184,1997

Waterman,-Caroline-K. Dawson,-Lori-J.Sexual Coercion in Gay Male and Lesbian Relationships: Predictors and Implications for Support Services.Journal-of-Sex-Research; 26, 1, Feb, 118-124,1989

Wertheimer,-David-M.Treatment and Service Interventions for Lesbian and Gay Male Crime Victims.Journal-of-Interpersonal-Violence; 5, 3, Sept, 384-400,1990

Wilton,-Tamsin.Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men.Sociology; 26, 3, Aug, 517-519,1992

Winters,-Wayne-F.Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence.Violence-and-Victims; 8, 1, spring, 85-86,1993

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"Open your eyes. Don't let your mind tell the story here." Tonic, 1996

"Our lies have made us angry with the truth." Five O'Clock People, 1997